So back to the original topic, since I have been meaning to write this blog, why the delay? There are two reasons:
1. The documentation and example of the pexpect module is excellent, I wish the examples can be directly posted on the web instead of looking thru the example subfolder, but that is just a small complain. The functions that is mostly used are on the site.
2. I will be a hypocrite if I say I am a complete believer in using this module 100% of the time. At times, such as when hoping thru a Cisco terminal server to access a device thru console, it just became too problematic that rather than debug, I just go with Tcl Explect. It is easy enough to write a small Expect script and use a Python wrapper with subprocess to execute it, much like my post on Expect,
However, it is still a module that is very useful. Always nice to keep everything in Python so you dont need to go thru the mind-shift of another language.
Here is an example with pexpect that I wrote with the same objective as the Expect script that I posted, Basically this is what it does:
1. Telnet to AT&T, Comcast, and University of Oregon route server.
2. Execute 'show ip route', and 'show ip bgp ' on the IP.
Here is the list of route servers in a text file format:
Here is the list of commands in a text file format:$cat$
Here is the script itself:$cat commands.txtshow ip route ip bgp$
note. these are public route servers, sometimes you will get connection refused if all the vty lines are busy. They are also subject to change with no advance notice. Feel free to try out another route-server from
[update 11/24, took out router = routeServer[0] that was a left over during testing, as a friend correctly pointed out]
$cat routeServ_pexpect.pyHere is the output:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys,pexpect
# query file for all route servers and put into a list
routerFile = open('route-servers', 'r')
routeServers = [i for i in routerFile] #look up list comprehension is not clear
# query file for all commands and put into a list
commandFile = open('commands.txt', 'r')
commands = [i for i in commandFile]
# Starts the loop
for router in routeServers:
child = pexpect.spawn ('telnet', [router.strip()]) #option needs to be a list
child.logfile = sys.stdout #display progress on screen
child.expect ('Username:')
for command in commands:
child.expect(['route-server', 'route-views']) #different options on prompt
child.expect(['route-server', 'route-views'])
$./routeServ_pexpect.pyHappy Holidays!
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
-------------- ---------------
--------- AT&T IP Services Route Monitor -----------
The information available through is offered
by AT&T's Internet engineering organization to the Internet community.
This router maintains eBGP peerings with customer-facing routers
throughout the AT&T IP Services Backbone:
IPv4: Atlanta Austin Cambridge Chicago Dallas Detroit Denver Houston LA New York Orlando Philly Phoenix SanDiego SanFran St.Louis Seattle WashDC
2001:1890:FF:FFFF:12:122:124:12 Atlanta
2001:1890:FF:FFFF:12:122:127:66 Chicago
2001:1890:FF:FFFF:12:122:124:138 Dallas
2001:1890:FF:FFFF:12:122:120:7 Fort Lauderdale
2001:1890:FF:FFFF:12:122:125:6 Los Angeles
2001:1890:FF:FFFF:12:122:125:44 New York
2001:1890:FF:FFFF:12:122:125:106 Philadelphia
2001:1890:FF:FFFF:12:122:125:132 Phoenix
2001:1890:FF:FFFF:12:122:126:232 San Francisco
2001:1890:FF:FFFF:12:122:125:224 Seattle
2001:1890:FF:FFFF:12:122:126:9 St. Louis
2001:1890:FF:FFFF:12:122:126:64 Washington
*** Please Note:
Ping and traceroute delay figures measured here are unreliable, due to the
high CPU load experienced when complicated "show" commands are running.
For questions about this route-server, send email to:
*** Log in with username "rviews", no password required ***
User Access Verification
Username: Kerberos: No default realm defined for Kerberos!
route-server>show ip route
show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "bgp 65000", distance 20, metric 0
Tag 7018, type external
Last update from 4w1d ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 4w1d ago
Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 1
AS Hops 3
Route tag 7018
route-server>show ip bgp
show ip bgp
BGP routing table entry for, version 711761
Paths: (18 available, best #13, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
7018 8075 8075, (received & used) from (
Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external
Community: 7018:2500 7018:36244
7018 8075 8075, (received & used) from (
Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external
Community: 7018:2500 7018:36244
7018 8075 8075, (received & used) from (
Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external
Community: 7018:2500 7018:34011
7018 8075 8075, (received & used) from (
Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external
Community: 7018:2500 7018:36244
7018 8075 8075, (received & used) from (
Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external
Community: 7018:2500 7018:36244
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Comcast NETO Route Server
This route server is provided by Comcast National Engineering &
Technical Operations to provide visibility into the Internet routing table
from the perspective of Comcast's network. This server has BGP peerings to
the following routers and the Internet routing table view from each device: - Ashburn, VA - New York, NY - Chicago, IL - Chicago, IL 2 - Denver, CO - San Jose, CA - Los Angeles, CA - Atlanta, GA - Dallas, TX
Note: Due to high CPU utilization on this device, ping and traceroute results
may be unreliable. This route server should not be used to measure network
performance as a result.
Login with username: rviews
Location: New York City
Network: Comcast Route Server
User Access Verification
Username: rviews
Kerberos: No default realm defined for Kerberos!
route-server.newyork.ny.ibone>show ip route
show ip route
Command authorization failed.
route-server.newyork.ny.ibone>show ip bgp
show ip bgp
BGP routing table entry for, version 1517562788
Paths: (8 available, best #8, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Advertised to update-groups:
8075 8075, (received & used) (metric 81950) from (
Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 300, valid, internal
Community: 7922:38 7922:3020
Originator:, Cluster list:
8075 8075, (received & used) (metric 81950) from (
Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 300, valid, internal
Community: 7922:38 7922:3020
Originator:, Cluster list:,
8075 8075, (received & used) (metric 73815) from (
Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 300, valid, internal
Community: 7922:41 7922:3020
Originator:, Cluster list:
8075 8075, (received & used) (metric 69750) from (
Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 300, valid, internal
Community: 7922:40 7922:3020
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Oregon Exchange BGP Route Viewer /
route views data is archived on
This hardware is part of a grant from Cisco Systems.
Please contact if you have questions or
comments about this service, its use, or if you might be able to
contribute your view.
This router has views of the full routing tables from several ASes.
The list of ASes is documented under "Current Participants" on
************** is now using AAA for logins. Login with
username "rviews". See
User Access Verification
Username: rviews
route-views>show ip route
show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "bgp 6447", distance 20, metric 100
Tag 8075, type external
Last update from 3d07h ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 3d07h ago
Route metric is 100, traffic share count is 1
AS Hops 2
Route tag 8075
route-views>show ip bgp
show ip bgp
BGP routing table entry for, version 218212
Paths: (33 available, best #7, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
852 8075 8075 from (
Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, external
Community: 852:180
3356 8075 8075 from (
Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, external
Community: 209:80 209:888 701:30 703:30 1120:2 1299:2869 1299:5509 1299:5583 2914:470 3356:3 3356:22 3356:100 3356:123 3356:575 3356:2012 3549:200 3549:666 4657:905 5511:1550 6453:80 6762:20008 7018:80 7473:22009 7473:23009 10026:11010 10026:11020 10026:11030 10026:11040 10026:11050 10026:11060 10026:11070 10026:11080 10026:11090 10026:11100 25160:209 25160:1239 65009:7018
4436 8075 8075 from (
Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, external
Community: 209:80 209:888 701:30 703:30 1120:2 1299:2869 1299:5509 1299:5583 2914:470 3549:200 3549:666 4436:21216 4657:905 5511:1550 6453:80 6762:20008 7018:80 7473:22009 7473:23009 10026:11010 10026:11020 10026:11030 10026:11040 10026:11050 10026:11060 10026:11070 10026:11080 10026:11090 10026:11100 25160:209 25160:1239 65009:7018
ReplyDeleteGreat post, but I think the real interesting question is the one you hinted at, but did not actually ask. I agree that it is depressing that we still screen scrape after all these years. I am amazed at how many people do not even know how to code basic screen scraping though. It seems to me, we need a paradigm shift, and a few tools to enable that shift.
We need router vendors to support some basic functions in the O/S in support of automation. Imagine a world where you could open an ssh command channel, pass an object, ask the vendor to confirm the object was syntactically valid, and ask for a provisional commit with 60 second rollback if keep-alive was lost, and some options for timed (10 minute, 10 hour or whatever) rollback pending a smoke-test. If the if-then regex based logic of your screen scraping was handled by the OS and you just passed commands and examined return codes from atomic operations, life would be easier.
In that world, you would want to require a reasonable smoke test functions as a core part of the service definition for any service offerings pre-deployment. If you cannot define a good smoke test, then the service is not deployed. And the servers and services need API (interfaces) to support smoke testing. We do things like http GET test-object.html for testing, instead of having html primitives to support smoke testing. We telnet 25 to mail servers and expn or vrfy pretend users, instead of having programmatic interfaces to mail servers. For every common server there is a reasonable set of functions that it ought to support. We have some SNMP MIBs for this sort of thing, and you can load SNMP modules into python and expect, but it seems like the interfaces are not as clean and as unified as might be desirable. It seems like the service is defined and the monitoring is shimmed in after the service definition, instead of making it integral to the service offering. I realize the Internet is a moving target, and trying to define this framework would be like shooting at missile with a slingshot while strapped to a race car that was being upgraded as it was being driven, but I think it is still an idea worth thinking about.
But that only addresses a rational framework for pushing, pulling and changing configurations on networks using today's paradigms. An old Colleague Marek J. asked the question, "Why do we build networks from discrete components, instead of building a service around agglutinated sets of devices, configured from a single service interface." He used fewer and smaller words, but that was the gist of the conversation. Software Defined Networking is doing some of that, but it is not clear to me if vendors are really shooting for adding value to the process, or simply trying to find ways to ensure they are not removed from the value chain as hardware vendors make servers, switches and routers into commodities, and SDN attempts to provide open source control of those commodity components.
Elle Plato
Thanks Elle, points well taken. :)
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ReplyDeleteThanx for your code )
ReplyDeleteWhy my cycle execute only once ? can't understand
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys,pexpect
# query file for all route servers and put into a list
routerFile = open('IP_list.txt', 'r')
routeServers = [i for i in routerFile] #look up list comprehension is not clear
# query file for all commands and put into a list
commandFile = open('command.txt', 'r')
commands = [i for i in commandFile]
# Starts the loop
for router in routeServers:
child = pexpect.spawn ('telnet', [router]) #option needs to be a list
child.logfile = sys.stdout #display progress on screen
child.expect (':')
child.sendline ('user')
child.expect (':')
for command in commands:
child.expect('#') #different options on prompt
Not sure if it was copy / paste formatting, but the loop indentation was lost in the post. Maybe that was it?
DeleteNo, my script has correct indention, that input form kill them )
DeleteI have one more question, how can i increase searchwindowsize and maxread ? i use that line :
child = pexpect.spawn ('telnet', [router.strip()],maxread=1000000, searchwindowsize=20000)
but tty output still not change
Thank you for Posting
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i wrote a function two different ways. can someone tell me which is better and why?
Python Code: (Double-click to select all)
9 def pathftn(p,unknown='?'):
if p.is_symlink: return 'l'
if p.is_block_device: return 'b'
if p.is_char_device: return 'c'
if p.is_dir: return 'd'
if p.is_file: return 'f'
if p.is_socket: return 's'
if p.is_fifo: return 'p'
return unknown
Python Code: (Double-click to select all)
10 def pathftn(p,unknown='?'):
if p.is_symlink: t='l'
elif p.is_block_device: t='b'
elif p.is_char_device: t='c'
elif p.is_dir: t='d'
elif p.is_file: t='f'
elif p.is_socket: t='s'
elif p.is_fifo: t='p'
return t
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i tried but its taking only first line of the "commands.txt".
ReplyDeletecommands.txt contains:
sh run vlan 158
sh run vlan 159
def shvlan(device,child):
commandFile = open('commands.txt', 'r')
commands = [i for i in commandFile]
for command in commands:
vlans = child.after
print device + ' conn closed'
print 'sh run vlan executed'
print vlans
return vlans
it is very important
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hi Eric,
ReplyDeletethe same output if incase i want to store into another text file how can we do that? can you post the extemnsion of this code for same?
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